Foundation Transition
Welcome Foundation Students & Families
The transition from pre-school to school is an exciting and important time for all children. At Rangeview Primary School we strive to ensure that our Foundation Transition Program provides a variety of opportunities for you to learn more about our school and invites your child to be involved in our structured transition sessions.
Our Foundation Transition Program will involve a number of sessions held onsite at school across Term 4. These sessions will give your child the opportunity to:
– Get to know all of the wonderful Foundation teachers and other staff, including the principal team, wellbeing support, specialist teachers and integration aides.
– Spend time inside classrooms with a range of peers, getting a head start on building social skills and positive relationships across the level.
– Participate in specialist activities, including Art, Music, P.E. and LOTE.
– Learn about everyday school routines, building important ‘school readiness’ skills.
– Have fun! We do everything we can to ensure the transition to primary school is enjoyable for all children involved.
As part of the transition process, we will also run a parent/carer Expo evening, which will provide you with practical information and tips to ensure your child has a successful start to school. On this evening you will have an opportunity to meet the current Foundation team and ask questions.
If you are yet to book a school tour, please contact the school office to organise this, and browse our website for further information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly school office or Foundation Transition Coordinators.
We look forward to working positively in partnership with you and your child as they begin their exciting educational journey.
See a Tour of our School
A virtual tour of our school for our Foundation Students.
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