Supporting Students

It's the little things we do to support an individualised learning program that get us the big results

Supporting Students

Our entire teaching staff is dedicated to the fine details and our aim is to ensure every child achieves to their own potential.

This means ensuring we have a robust system of teaching and support that not only caters to the average (or middle student) – but also the advanced student or the student that needs some extra support. 

For learning to take place we need to ensure that every child feels safe, happy and confident within themselves – and so a huge emphasis is placed on a strong wellbeing and support program that achieves just that!

Student Leadership

At Rangeview Primary School, we believe in the growth and development of the whole child. Education is about supporting students to reach their full potential in all areas of learning – including social and emotional development. A significant part of personal development can be in the area of leadership – and we run an extremely meaningful and supportive leadership program at our school.

There are different leadership opportunities available for all students.

These include:

  • Year 6 Student Leadership Positions
  • Junior School Councillors
  • Buddy Classes
  • Students in all classrooms also regularly share jobs/responsibilities within the school that help develop their leadership skills




A strong transition program exists for students from Kindergarten to Foundation, from level to level within the school and from Year 6 to Year 7 which promotes confidence, independence and prepares them for the next stage of their learning.

Kinder to Foundation Transition

Starting school is an exciting time! We aim to provide Pre-Schoolers with positive school experiences through our transition program.

Children and parents will have the opportunity to become familiar with our school facilities, meet the Foundation teachers and experience fun, engaging learning activities that introduce them to the environment and structure of school.

Please contact us to book your child into the transition program.

Level 6 to Year 7 Transition

Rangeview Primary School will provide families with information about enrolment to secondary school early in the Level 6 year.

Moving Schools

Moving schools might be a bit daunting for you and your child. It’s quite common though and we are well aware of how to make the move smooth for you and your child.

If we have notice that you are coming then we will invite your child in for a session in his/her new classroom prior to the official start. Your child will be paired with a buddy with similar interests and a similar disposition – for example, if your child is shy we will make sure she/he is buddied up with some kids who are similar – as we don’t want them to feel overwhelmed.

We have meetings with parents/carers to find out if there is anything special we need to know, and we will also meet with the child so we can learn their thoughts and feelings about the move too.

Every case is different, so whatever the reason for your move – we will ensure that your child is always looked after and cared for through their transition.

Lunchtime Opportunities

Rangeview Primary School offers many and various lunchtime activities during the day and at different times throughout the year.

These include:

  • Lego Club
  • First Lego League
  • Science Club
  • Hip Hop or Cheer Leading
  • Chess Club
  • Rock Band
  • Kelly Sports
  • Story Time in the Library




Students at Rangeview in Years 3-6 participate in an exciting annual camping program which provides students with wonderful opportunities for social development and discovery. The program is an extension of activities undertaken in the school situation and focuses on the development of personal identity, social skills and outdoor adventure education.

Year 3 (Three days, Two nights)

Our Year 3 students head to Camp Adanac each year. The camp, which is located one-hour east of Melbourne in Yarra Junction, offers students the chance to enjoy lots of exciting new activities and create lots of memories. This camp is a great first taste of the school camp experience for students.

Year Four (Three days, Two nights)

The Year 4 students head to Camp Weekaway each year. The camp, which is located one-hour North of Melbourne in the Benloch Valley, offers students the chance to step outside of their comfort zone and create new experiences that will last a life time.

Year 5 (Three days, Two nights)

Our Year 5 students take off to The Forest Edge Camp in Neerim East. This camp is designed to give students the opportunity to experience exhilarating adventures and build their leaderships skills as they prepare to transition into Year 6.

Year 6 (Five days, Four nights) 

The Year 6 students head to the Summit Adventure Camp in Trafalgar each year. The camp is designed to push students outside their comfort zone and continue to grow their leadership and teamwork skills as they head into High School. This camp is always a highlight of the student’s final year at Primary School.

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