Mitcham’s Hidden Gem
At Rangeview Primary School, we are so proud of the wonderful opportunities we offer our students on a daily basis. The staff at Rangeview are committed to enhancing and enriching the lives of our students and the wider school community. We invite you to come along and experience this for yourself!
Rangeview Primary School
meet our principal
My hope is that the experience we are trying to provide for you on this website gives you an accurate insight into the truly unique community that we are. We see ourselves as far more than a school – we are a community rich in diversity and welcoming to all. The best way to meet us is by starting with our online tour. Follow the links on this page and register today!
– Marika Ferguson | Rangeview Primary School
It’s no real secret that the quality of a school is largely influenced by the quality of the teachers. We are so fortunate to have a rich diversity of talent, experience, enthusiasm and energy and our teachers truly care. They care for your children and they want nothing more than the best for them. We also believe teaching children is NOT only done at school. We strive hard to build partnerships with you – our parents. It’s what makes us who we are.
Let’s Talk Curriculum
We are proud to have a wide range of opportunities on offer
Book a Tour of Rangeview!
We welcome you to the Rangeview Community! At Rangeview Primary School we live our values of Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork and Learning and we foster in our students a ‘lifelong love of learning’. I invite you to visit Rangeview and see for yourself why we are so proud of our school.
– Marika Ferguson
learn online
A community resource by Rangeview Primary School
We take education seriously.
So seriously in fact that we want to extend education beyond the classroom and have it filter into the community.
One of the foundations of strong communities with healthy people (both mind and body) is access to education.
This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages that we feel will have a direct and positive impact on our community.
Something in here for all ages
Website design, graphic, videos & photography by Digital Schools | www.digitalschools.com.au | Copyright Digital Schools. All Rights Reserved