Year 6-7 Transition

Transition to Secondary School

At Rangeview we liaise regularly with the local secondary schools to ensure we are supporting our grade 6 students with a smooth transition into year 7. When choosing a secondary school for you child we highly recommend that you visit their website and contact them directly to arrange a school tour.

Each year, the department releases Year 6 to Year 7 placement information for schools and for parents/carers, with information packs available from the beginning of Term 2 for students commencing Year 7 the following year. Our school office team will inform you when the application is available and due. The application will ask you to identify your 3 high school preferences, along with some extra information including proof of your residential address (this is required so that you can be accepted in the correct school zones).

You can use the ‘Find my school’ website to check which schools you are in your zone .

Early in term 3 you will receive a letter advising whether or not your child has been accepted. Once you have been accepted, you will start receiving updates from your Secondary School.

All requests from parents living outside the designated neighbourhood zone will be considered by the Principal at each government secondary school. It must be noted however, that all placements are subject to the availability of accommodation at a particular school. If you are out of zone for a particular school, you may still be considered if your child has a sibling at the school, seeking a specific curriculum area or in exceptional circumstances for compassionate grounds. The Year 7 Coordinator will be in contact with your child’s Level 6 teachers to find out any important information including wellbeing, academic progress, friendships etc. If there is some extra information you would like passed on to the secondary school that is not otherwise stated on the enrolment form, please let your Level 6 teacher know or contact the secondary school directly. 

To find out more about enrolments, please visit the department website:

All government secondary schools will have the same Year 7 orientation day in Term 4. Students will attend their allocated high school meet some of their teachers and engage in a series of activities to help prepare them.  Some secondary schools also offer extra transition sessions for students who may be feeling extra nervous about starting secondary school. Level 6 teachers will make these recommendations where necessary. Please speak to your Level 6 teacher or Year 7 secondary school coordinator if you feel this may apply to your child.

Later in the year you will receive a letter from your secondary school confirming their class, school house and other important details. Some schools will also ask students to do a general assessment, this is just to inform their teaching. Secondary schools will also contact grade 6 teachers for a hand over of important information.

At Rangeview Primary School, our Level 6 students are well prepared. In Term 4 we have a large focus on High School preparation, including organisational skills. We also run a few days in class designed to replicate the Secondary School experience.

For more information please contact the secondary school directly or visit their website. Most secondary schools will have all the important dates on their website.

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