Principal’s Welcome

Marika Ferguson – Principal of Rangewiew Primary School

Welcome To Rangeview Primary School, Mitcham

We welcome you to the Rangeview Community! At Rangeview Primary School we live our values of Respect, Responsibility, Teamwork and Learning and we foster in our students a ‘lifelong love of learning’. I invite you to visit Rangeview and see for yourself why we are so proud of our school.

We offer a diverse curriculum with a range of exciting activities, within a positive and supportive learning environment. We have a strong tradition of providing outstanding educational opportunities and we enjoy an excellent reputation – both in our local community and beyond.

We believe in discovering and developing each child’s strengths and interests whilst ensuring a solid grounding in all areas of the Victorian Curriculum. No student is left behind and no student is held back. Our teaching team are professional, motivated, highly skilled and take pride in the achievements of their students. Our education support staff are exceptional, and work as strong teams across the school.

We are a lead school in Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships and we deliver The Resilience Project across the school with students developing their Empathy, Mindfulness and Gratitude in every aspect of their lives. We expect our students to grow and learn and we celebrate as they thrive. We embrace whole school celebration days each term – be ready to dress up!

We look forward to your family becoming part of our community. As Principal, I always welcome discussion with parents and carers around any aspect of their child’s learning and engagement. I hope to meet you personally at Rangeview soon…. 

Marika Ferguson
Principal – Rangeview Primary School, Mitcham

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